Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nikki Paras

Nikki Paras
III BS Management

Nikki always brings this type of bag, she says. Small and easy to bring around, she prefers this type rather than shoulder bags which, according to her, are "hot".

What's in the bag of this chic fashionista from Cebu

Clockwise from left: make-up kit, mini notebook, big notebook, cologne, perfume, umbrella, keys, iTouch, wallet, Orbit gum, Aviator shades, pens, wallet, and her two cell phones - one Globe, the other for Sun

She has two notebooks -- a big one which she uses to take down notes for all of her subjects and a tiny one which serves as a planner.

Cologne and perfume
Normally, a girl will only bring either a perfume or cologne, but Nikki here has both! She sprays perfume when she's off the campus, and cologne when she's just in class.

Make-up kit
A typical girly and fashionista student, Nikki cannot leave the house without her make-up kit. However, it's not the make-up which she holds most important, but her trusty inhaler and medicine. Being asthmatic, she has to be prepared at all times in case of attacks and other emergencies.

An interesting thing we found in her bag are shades which she says she brings all the time. She shares, "Even when it's raining, I bring my shades... I don't know why."

The top three essentials she would most likely bring if ever her already small bag even gets smaller are her wallet, her Globe phone and... wanna make a guess on the third one? Why, of course, it would be her make-up kit which contains her inhaler and medicine!

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